British Union Conference

BUC Director Perseveres and Receives Doctorate

Dr Patrick A Herbert

Monday 13 May, 2019, for most of us was just an ordinary day, but for Pastor Richard Daly, it was anything but ordinary. Pastor Daly, accompanied by his wife and American relatives, assembled at the Washington National Cathedral for the Wesley Theological Seminary graduation.

A keen interest in the work of the Adventist pioneers to the British Isles and how they communicated the Adventist message, led Richard to make that the focus of his doctoral studies.

As a husband, a father, a pastor and a BUC director he nevertheless set himself a stretching challenge, which involved two annual two-week intensive study classes, along with a dissertation which had to be completed within 4 years. After going through the stresses and strains the discipline of pursuing such studies demands, he completed his dissertation entitled: The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the British Isles (1878-1902), looking at the communicative ways in which the pioneers started new churches and the lessons that can be learnt in starting missional churches today.

Along with the dissertation, Richard has created a high-quality skilfully produced documentary, with the apt title: 'A Story of Perseverance – A History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the British Isles'. (YouTube under Hope Channel UK...Watch here).

It is envisaged that the combined dissertation and the documentary of how the Adventist Church began and functioned in the British Isles then, may initiate some strategies and approaches to complement evangelism within the British Isles and Ireland soon.

When asked about how he got through this clearly demanding course of studies, Dr Richard Daly would tell you: there were times when he felt like giving up, and there were times when the obstacles he faced seemed hard to overcome, but he would also say how thankful to God he is for the encouragement of his wife, his family and the few who knew he was pursuing his doctorate (DMin).

We look forward to God using the studies of Dr Daly to further His cause in the UK.