BUC and Stanborough Primary School Collaborate on Wellbeing

British Union Conference

BUC and Stanborough Primary School Collaborate on Wellbeing

BUC Communications and Sharon Platt-McDonald BUC Director for Health

Friday, 10 February, saw the inaugural launch of the Wellbeing and Mental Health Partnership between the British Union Conference (BUC) Health Ministries department and Stanborough Primary School. This initiative is an augmentation of the BUC Health Ministries Child Health Strategy, along with the School's Wellbeing curriculum, to enable a vital source of support for the school's health and mental wellbeing. It involves the development of an intentional health focus that encompasses seven areas of wellbeing: spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, relational, social and environmental health.

The launch event occurred at the Stanborough Primary School and was attended by pupils, teachers, parents and guests. In attendance was Dean Russell, MP for Watford, who gave a brief address. School Chaplain – Pastor Ray Patrick, presented the opening prayer, and School Governor – Enoch Kanagaraj, delivered the closing prayer. The occasion was a celebratory one marking various milestones and areas of achievement.

Presentations delivered by Headteacher – Mrs Tiann Madden, Wellbeing Lead – Ms Rebecca Dean-Roberts and Wellbeing Consultant – Sharon Platt-McDonald, focused on goals achieved in the following areas: School Health, Therapeutic school dog, Wellbeing Champions and Wellbeing Consultant.

School Health

Developing a strategic health focus for the school, the Wellbeing Consultant led on the following aspects:

Advisor on national health notifications, initiatives and its school impact. Bereavement care and support sessions for staff and pupils. Co-facilitating Wellbeing Champion sessions. Contributed to school health documentation and wellbeing goals. Complimentary pack of wellbeing literature and resources for the school. Counselling support as requested. Participation in Wellness Wednesday initiatives. Parent support sessions about their child's wellbeing. Weekly support visits to the school to discuss staff and pupil wellbeing.

Therapeutic school dog – Saffy

A key addition to the school (and daily resident on the premises) is Saffy the dog, who provides a therapeutic element for staff and pupil wellbeing. Research has identified the holistic benefits of including a dog in school life. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/news/pros-and-cons-school-dogs-ks1-digest

Saffy became part of the staff team in February 2021 and is recognised as having achieved the Dog Mentor – Gold Award in light of her impact. You can find a full description of what this entails at: https://www.thedogmentor.co.uk/about

Both staff and pupils report the calming and positive effect Saffy has on the children. She is loved by the school community and visitors and provides a friendly welcome to all who arrive at the school. Here are two reflections on her impact:

"Saffy provides a warm, loving welcome to visitors to our school." – Staff

"I love to give Saffy belly rubs! When I am feeling down, she makes me feel so much better." – Pupil

Wellbeing Champions

The Wellbeing Champion is a primary school student, leading on the pupil aspect of the School's Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and providing peer support and leadership.

Nine pupils representing each year group were chosen as Wellbeing Champions. Briefing sessions were implemented to develop them in their newly acquired roles. Additionally, they received Mental Health training to become Mental Health Champions.

Each Wellbeing Champion received a resources pack from the Wellbeing Consultant, which assisted them in developing their role. The packages contained the following:

How to Stay Healthy (physical wellbeing) How to Stay Happy (mental wellbeing) A Book of Happiness (emotional wellbeing) A Book of Kindness (social wellbeing) My First Bedtime Prayer Book (spiritual wellbeing) The Cabbage Storm (general health) Stories of Virtues and Values (relational wellbeing) Looking after God's World (environmental wellbeing) Reflective journals and pens

We have started interactive exercises and learning objectives using publications 1-4 in the above list. The Wellbeing Champions use their reflective journals to record their activities and reflections with each resource.

The designated teacher support for the Wellbeing Champions is Rebecca Dean-Roberts, the School's Wellbeing and Mental Health Lead. She facilitates the pupil activities around holistic wellbeing and leads the related class activities to enable a whole school approach to Wellness.

Wellbeing Consultant

In developing the role of Wellbeing Consultant for the School, Sharon Platt-McDonald has undertaken the following aspects, which she reported on during the launch event:

Collaborative development of Wellbeing Champion's role with headteacher and Wellness lead. Development of role descriptions and documentation for School Health, Wellbeing Champions and Wellbeing Consultant. A developed resource pack for Wellbeing Champions. Provide guidance, support and wellbeing consultation to staff and pupils. Provision of health and wellbeing materials for the school. One-to-one meetings with staff at their request to support their wellbeing. Meeting with parents, where requested, concerning their child's wellbeing. Weekly meetings with the school over the past nine months to develop a Health Partnership.

Following the presentations on the above segments, Dean Russell MP and BUC Director – Sharon Platt-McDonald presented certificates and a special badge to each Wellbeing Champion. The event concluded with a projective look at 'Next Step' by Headteacher Mrs Madden and closing remarks by Safeguarding and Inclusion Lead – Mrs Nicky Adewole.

Following the event, refreshments were served, and attendees enjoyed a special cake marking the launch event. The Wellbeing Champions then demonstrated some of the skills they had leant, including exercises for physical fitness, arts and crafts, a reading corner and a writer's session. Guests were invited to peruse the wellbeing resources on display and visit the Wellbeing Room highlighting the Wellbeing Champions and their work.

Speaking with Headteacher Tiann Madden about the partnership launch, she reports:

"Stanborough Primary School was thrilled to work with the BUC Health department to highlight wellbeing and mental health within our school community. Friday was a magnificent opportunity for us to showcase what the school has achieved to date, from the creation of a wellbeing room, a school therapy dog, the appointment of a Wellbeing Consultant and Wellbeing Champions, to a planned redesign of our playground to improve our physicality, and a refurbished kitchen to improve our eating choices."

Reflecting further, Madden explains:

"We are excited to be the driving force in this area and remain committed and dedicated to improving our school community's wellbeing and mental health. Research has shown that a coordinated and evidence-informed approach to mental health in schools leads to improved pupil wellbeing and enhanced learning and outcomes for all. Ultimately, we want our pupils to be in an environment which enables them to thrive and succeed in all areas of their lives."

The following documents were made available in the launch event pack, outlining the scope of the partnership and specific role descriptions:

School Health Wellbeing Champion Wellbeing Consultant

You can view them here via the following attachments:

We solicit your prayers as we develop this initiative to enhance the holistic aspects of school life and pupil wellbeing.

See video of the event here.