British Writers Contribute to Ministry Magazine Awards

British Union Conference

British Writers Contribute to Ministry Magazine Awards

Dr Jeff Brown, GC Associate Ministerial Director and Associate Editor Ministry Magazine

"It’s like Oscar Night for us"

Ministry magazine associate editor Dr Jeff Brown reports how happy he was that Ministry magazine received four awards from the Associated Church Press on 8 April, 2021. "It's like Oscar Night for us," said Dr Brown who has served in this role during the past quinquennium.

Three of the awards were given to pastors within the British Union Conference who had contributed to the magazine under the following categories:

'Best Article' category—'Playful Fathers' by Dr Richard Daly (February 2020, pp. 18-21) 'Best themed issue' category—'If the Son shall set you free' Guest editorial Dr Emmanuel Osei. Lead article, Dr Conrad Vine, 'Come out, in Jesus' name!' (April 2020, pp. 5-8) 'Best in class' category—Best journal in its class. Highest award.

The breakdown of the categories are as follows:

REPORTING AND WRITING 052. PROFESSIONAL RESOURCE: An article that aims to enhance ministry or knowledge for professional practitioners in a religious field. It may include research findings, trends, analytical or reflective writing. The writer demonstrates why the subject should interest the ministry practitioner. Open to all media. Criteria: Significance for intended audience, quality of writing, clarity and economy of expression.

Award of Merit Ministry, International Journal for Pastors 'Playful Fathers' by Richard Daly [February 2020].

Listen at (from 34 minutes and 57 seconds)

REPORTING AND WRITING 035. THEME ISSUE, SECTION, OR SERIES: Entries may be a series of articles on a single subject in more than one issue or blog post or a collection of articles in one issue or blog that explore different aspects of the same subject. The collection/series provides additional facts that reveal the complexity of the subject. Sources represent a variety of perspectives, and the series/collection provides relevant history.

Magazine/Journal Award of Excellence Ministry, International Journal for Pastors 'And Deliver Us From Evil...' By Various Contributors [April 2020].

Listen at (from 20 minutes and 30 seconds)

OVERALL EXCELLENCE / BEST IN CLASS 007. BEST IN CLASS — JOURNAL (for an academic, theological, or specialised professional audience). Journal articles may or may not be peer reviewed. Journals generally cite their sources using footnotes or bibliographies. Choose any three 2020 issues (e.g. February, May, and November). Criteria: Overall quality of publication and appropriateness for audience, including content and coverage; writing and editing; typography, format and design.

Award of Excellence Ministry, International Journal for Pastors by Ministry Staff and Contributors [January, March, and April 2020].

Listen at (from 1 hour 9 minutes and 32 seconds)