Bournemouth Baptisms in the Sea!

British Union Conference

Bournemouth Baptisms in the Sea!

Judith Cassidy

The 26 September, was a very special day for the Bournemouth Church. The sun shone down as the small crowd gather by the shore of the Bournemouth sea.

Local minister, Pastor Laszlo Liebhardt and Elder Doug Vine, took Christine Chipare Matore, then Mr Peter Breedon, into the water. Many of the congregation joined these two faithful servants on the beach, to share in their joy as they watched, witnessed and applauded this unique baptism taking place.

When asked about her decision to be baptised Christine said, "the time and circumstances were now to give myself over to the Lord." She was feeling excited and thrilled before her baptism and praising God afterward.

Peter’s journey has taken over twenty years. When asked 'how important was it to be baptised?’ he responded "in a way it is hard to explain, but I feel He has emptied me, I feel a changed man, which right now is indescribable, and I now see this world more wisely. I have prayed many years for a clear understanding of the purpose of life … now I feel a peace I have not felt before, and a sense of joy at feeling more at one with Jesus and yes, I feel His love.."

In response to those considering baptism Peter responded, "don’t wait any longer, don’t make the mistake I did of worrying about it all, worry and indecision comes from Satan not from God."

For the Bournemouth church family, it was a memorable and special day: but for Christine and Peter, it was a new day, a symbol of new life in Christ. We wish them both all the joy Christ offers in their Christian journey.