AYC 22

British Union Conference

AYC 22

TED Communication Director Reflects on European Youth Congress

David Neal, TED Communication & Media Director

"We were made by a community as a community, for community."

Held in the city of Lahti, Finland, over 2,500 youth from across the Trans-European Division (TED) and Inter-European Division (EUD) met together from 2-6 August with an invitation to 'Plug in', to connect with God and each other. Keynote Speaker Pastor David Asscherick of 'Arise Ministries', aware of issues facing today's youth now embedded in the third decade of the twenty-first century, hovered around this theme all week with this motif; "We were made by a community as a community, for community."

Using an apologetic preaching style, connecting scripture with philosophy, the Great Controversy narrative, and subtle insights from Ellen White, he connected well with his audience. The very nature and attraction of a youth congress is the big event. Leaders ever conscious that the majority of participants attend from local churches with fifty members or under. As Freddie Stoner-Redfern from St Albans explained "Instead of being back at home where being an Adventist is a minority experience, in this setting it is nearly norm, which feels very nice and different to the reality back home."

Meeting in an auditorium for worship is the defining difference from worship in most churches. There are no windows, it is dark, except for the lights on the stage (some brightly coloured). The backdrop features artwork depicting spiritual themes. Music is led by worship leaders and a band. 'Worship time' is extended, experiential and best described as multisensual – the genre this generation connect with. Professionally led, controlled, prayerful, and to this observer Spirit-led by Niklas Rantanen, a young Finnish professional who worked hard to provide a 'variety of styles and genres' to connect with the diverse audience.

The theme song Source of Life connected love for God, and the outcome of serving others. Morning worship led by Dr Daniel Bosqued from Sagunto Adventist College focussed on stories from John's Gospel but followed by 2,000 people huddling together in 200 small groups. TED Family Ministries Director Karen Holford described the scene as "Thousands of stories and ideas and reflections and fresh insights are sparked around the auditorium as participants experience the first small group discussions ever held during a youth congress in Europe."

Workshop time provided opportunity to explore topics that might not be considered necessary back home in the local church. Theology, sexuality, disability, and service were just a few of the areas considered – and they were all well-attended by a teachable generation hungry to learn. But meeting new like-minded friends was key. Time to play, pray and even paint together. Friendships made in small groups, in worship, around the football table, walking, eating – which could lead to forever friends. TED Youth Director Dejan Stojkovic and his EUD Youth Director colleague intentionally designed this congress to be a hybrid first. Held in person and streamed online for its totality, the intent was to expand the reach of congress. Supported by the largest media presence ever seen at a congress, could this be the way forward for every congress in future? BUC Youth Director Pastor Kevin Johns led the British delegation.

During a roundtable discussion with a representation of fellow Union Youth Directors on congress and the future of youth ministry, he implored members "to listen to the young people's experience, let them share what happened to them here, let them share how the programme impacted their lives, and through dialogue and a shared understanding see if some elements of congress could be reproduced in the local church, such as participation, involvement and even the development of a small group ministry – but whatever the innovation, listening is key."

Newly elected TED President Dr Daniel Duda could not hide his joy at seeing young people together. It reminded him of his first congress experience while attending an EUD congress in 1978. It was there that he felt God's calling into ministry, which would result years later in becoming TED President. Assuring his audience, he went on to say, "It won't take another 40 years before one of you is in my position, and it won't only be men, it will be women too." Unknowingly echoing the comment of Freddie Stoner-Redfern from St Albans, "I think events such as these", continued Duda, "are so important because they give a boost to young people – that Jesus, Christianity, Adventism, has more to offer that what I see on a typical Sabbath morning in my local church, and I need to get this broader perspective." Marcos Paseggi attending AYC22 to report for the Adventist Review, captured well the mood of this generation of European Adventists when he said, "Young Adventists in Europe are a happy bunch, with an untiring desire to be a light and fulfil the dreams God has for each one of them… There seems to be a glow around them as they chat, laugh and hug. They are a living testimony that a life with Jesus is neither miserable, nor lame, nor dull.

On Sabbath at congress, 12 were baptised." As this report ends, it feels right to remember in prayer young people we know. A son or daughter, a young person in our local church – one who is present or another who has left. Are we connected with them? If not, could we reconnect? "Listening is key…", reminds Kevin Johns. The first step is simply to listen…

To discover more about AYC22, full coverage is available on the TED YouTube channel, including roundtable discussions with David Asscherick and Dr Daniel Bosqued, an extended interview with Dr Daniel Duda, more roundtable discussions with representative Union Presidents, and Union Youth Directors – recorded live on location.

And for those who have attended a youth congress in times past, of special interest will be a conversation with former BUC and TED Youth Directors, Jim Huzzey and Paul Tompkins. All can be found and much more at: ted.adventist.org/media/ted-youtube-channel/ To discover the huge library of pictures posted by TED Youth Director Dejan Stojkovic go to: www.facebook.com/media/set/ To stay connected with news, great conversation, reflection, and resources from the Trans-European Division leadership team, and the 88,000 fellow members comprising of 13 Union Conferences/Union of Churches and attached Fields, subscribe to tedNews here: ted.adventist.org/news/tednews-subscription/