Anchored in Christ and Stronger Together

British Union Conference

Anchored in Christ and Stronger Together

Jennie Hall

Plymouth's Anchored in Christ investiture started with a bang as the Pathfinders got things under way with their newly acquired drums and cymbals. The Pathfinders had been busy practising over the last month to surprise the parents with a well-rehearsed routine. They were thrilled to show off their skills as the Adventurers marched in the flags and took their seats.

Church members watched on Zoom whilst parents gathered to view the proceedings in the church. For some it was their first investiture and one little 3-year-old was especially thrilled to receive her Adventurer scarf and sash claiming the spotlight with her infectious smile.

The Pathfinders organised the whole programme as part of their Companion class requirements. Leading out was nothing new for these youngsters as they had led the club's devotional many times over the course of the year and worked well as a team. Though our area coordinator got stuck in traffic and couldn't make it that didn't stop the Pathfinders from springing into action with a 'the show must go on' attitude. Felipe Valente took to the mic and led out in a touching devotional whilst Faith Nyathi and Suely Vera Cruz supported with Bible verses and readings. Everything went smoothly and Adventurers, Diana De la Cruz and Alinka Aluculesei, recited their law and pledge.

Though the Adventurers had only been meeting for two months they had completed several awards and proudly received them at the front from Adventurer Director Gracie Valente. Two young ladies graduated from the Adventurers; Ianna Gutley and Annette Raskova were welcomed into the Pathfinder Club.

The Pathfinders had been working tirelessly on Zoom and then in person in recent months to complete their Companion class. They even did some community outreach during Pathfinder Day in March. As we weren't allowed to go out into the community, we decided to take some activities to those who were isolating. They packed around 150 craft packs and arranged little vases of flowers to take to a local retirement village. The residents were thrilled and touched by their generosity and soon all the packs were snapped up.

Twenty of the crafting kits included knitting needles, wool and instructions for newborn baby caps. Some of the ladies took up the challenge and have now donated around 30 baby caps to the local maternity department, passing on the blessing to others.

After all was said and done everyone helped themselves to individually packed cupcakes to celebrate the birthdays past and to come, before they can properly celebrate together again. Everyone had a great time and we thank God that we were able to celebrate and look forward to the day when we can all meet together again properly and celebrate future investitures with our whole church family again.

We hope and pray that our small club will continue to grow and we'd like to encourage any small club out there with Matthew 18:20: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."