An ordinance of humility, a donkey and a breakfast

British Union Conference

An ordinance of humility, a donkey and a breakfast

Crieff church commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus through a series of special Easter weekend events

Angela Logan

Crieff Church hosted a very special weekend of contemplation and celebration over the Easter period. The congregation was blessed to have Pastor Ian Sweeney, Trans European Division Field Secretary, and his wife Jennifer as the speakers for the weekend.

On Friday evening, an agape feast and ordinance of humility service was held in the Ross Hall at Crieff Church. As well as church members, several people from the local community attended this memorable service. Pastor Sweeney gave a meditation on the Good Friday biblical events which gave everyone much to consider and reflect upon.

On Sabbath, the church was full of members and visitors who were blessed by an uplifting Sabbath service and Pastor Sweeney’s Easter message entitled “King on a Donkey”.

The churches in Crieff have long celebrated Easter Sunday together with a 7am service on the summit of the Knock (the hill that Crieff is built on). This year, the service was moved to MacRosty Park at 8am and there were over 60 people gathered in the park to mark the fulfilment of the resurrection over 2000 years ago. The Easter Sunday service was full of singing and readings as well as a short talk by Pastor Sweeney who reflected on the events of that resurrection morning alongside the beautiful promises found in John 14:1-3.

Following the Easter Sunday service, Crieff Church hosted a breakfast in the Ross Hall where a magnificent feast was laid on for the morning worshippers. Organised by Head Deaconess, Eleri Dutton, and ably assisted by her team of helpers, everyone who attended were nourished by good food and good fellowship.

Those who attended expressed their sincere appreciation for the many people worked together to make this Easter weekend at Crieff a very memorable occasion. It was a meaningful and timely memorial of the key event that gives substance to the Christian faith.