British Union Conference

An Immigration Personal Testimony

On 11 November 2018, our family was granted the right to live in the UK after so many years of struggling with the Home Office. Our final court case was held on 17 August 2018 in Birmingham and coming out of the Home Office tribunal victorious, we thanked God and thanked friends and family who had been with us along this difficult journey.

One of those people was Dr Robbie Addaih who was recently recognised for the work he is doing in supporting minority groups with immigration issues. Our family came to know Dr Addaih and his wonderful family in 2015 when I worked at Newbold College. We had come to a point where we were being asked to leave the country and had exhausted our finances due to the numerous unsuccessful applications to the Home Office. When I shared this dilemma with my work colleagues during our devotion, they all prayed for our family. Later in the day one of the colleagues; Luis Erazo came to me and said that he knew an elder in his old church who once shared a testimony of their immigration breakthrough.

So, he gave me the contact of Milton Keynes church member, Elder Herbert Pfende. We spoke to Elder Pfende, who said his testimony was a miracle; that the Home Office had just rang him out of the blue and asked for pictures of his family, within days their illegal status was replaced with right to remain.

What an amazing God we serve! So Elder Pfende assured us that he would pray for us as we sought to find help, but just before we were to end the phone conversation, he said, hang on, I have heard of an elder in our church who is helping people with immigration issues, so he gave us the contact of Elder Dr Addaih, the rest is history.

A forever to be remembered history of 4 hours of queuing to see Dr Addaih the first time we went to his home; a history of his responses to every appeal on our behalf all free of charge. Dr Addaih fought the legal battle against the Home Office with the sword of the word of God which he knows off by heart, weaving it into his tremendous knowledge of the law. What a ministry, what a fitting demonstration of Jesus' love.

When we asked Dr Addaih what can we do for him as a thank you, he said to us "tell others what the Lord has done for you;" hence the reason for this written testimony.

We thank God for the support of our Newbold College church. Also, other churches who helped in prayers and providing encouragement such as Croydon, Binfield and Bracknell communities, together with Pastor Brighton Kavaloh and countless family and friends, who encouraged us and never gave up on praying and supporting us in so many ways.

May God be forever praised, great things He has done. Truly He has made everything beautiful in its time!