Adventurer & Pathfinder Virtual Choir

British Union Conference

Adventurer & Pathfinder Virtual Choir

British Union Youth Ministries Department

“We are Adventurers, at home, at school, at play,
We are Adventurers, we’re learning ev’ry day,
to be honest, kind and true,
to be like Jesus through and through,
We are Adventurers!”

The Adventurer learning in the British Isles and beyond has not stopped because of lockdown – far from it. With two e-Awards being taught each Sabbath since April, the British Union Youth Ministries Department has brought the teaching right into the homes of the Adventurers. Club leaders and parents alike have written to express their gratitude for this service and the Adventurers have loved being a part of a wider club, which has extended to all parts of the globe, from Australia at one end of the time zone to the USA at the other.

To commemorate this unique time in history, Pastor Dejan encouraged all the Adventurers who studied the e-Awards online every week to record their version of the Adventurer song. This was then edited by Lucas Henrique from Stanborough Park Church, into a wonderful virtual choir performance which you can listen to here. The Adventurers have loved seeing their faces and hearing their voices on the video and many others have written to encourage and congratulate the children. It has been a blessing to many.

Now the invitation is extended to the Pathfinders – you all have the chance to upload your own version of the Pathfinder song. Please click here for the instructions and Pathfinders worldwide can be a part of this significant record of the 2020 lockdown. The need to stay safe at home may have kept everyone apart physically, but this song will serve as a reminder that we are one in Christ. Yes, “We are the Pathfinders strong!”