ADRA-UK launches its 2019 Christmas Appeal

British Union Conference

ADRA-UK launches its 2019 Christmas Appeal

Catherine Anthony Boldeau

During this holiday season, give The Gift of Water by helping ADRA-UK to raise £10,000 to help build a well for the people of the Kabanana village, Zambia


ADRA-UK launches its Christmas Appeal, The Gift of Water, on 1 December and invites you to give The Gift of Water to the 345 families in Kabanana village in the dry Gwenibe Valley region of southern Zambia. From today until 31 January 2020, ADRA-UK would like to raise £10,000 to build a well to help the 2,100 people living in the village.

Water is a basic necessity which many of us take for granted, but for many people in the world, it is a luxury. The well that ADRA will install will provide safe, drinking and clean water for the villagers to use.

During this holiday season, give The Gift of Water by helping ADRA-UK to raise £10,000 to help build a well for the people of the Kabanana village, Zambia.

We would encourage you to donate funds through our special JustGiving page at You may wish to donate directly to us in our office. If so, please call +44 (0) 30 30 40 10 17 and donate on the phone. However, you may wish to take up an offering in your local church, for The Gift of Water, 2019 Christmas Appeal and send the money to ADRA-UK.

ADRA-UK thanks you for helping the people of Kabanana village.