ADRA-UK Launches Healthy Fundraising Initiative.

British Union Conference

ADRA-UK Launches Healthy Fundraising Initiative.

Deborah Hastings


On the 1 June ADRA-UK launches it’s three month new and healthy fundraising initiative, #walkforadra. The aim is to raise at least £50,000 by walking £50,000 miles to help some of the most vulnerable communities in the world.

As we anticipate the UK fully emerging from lockdown on the 21 June, this is a great opportunity for church members, their family and friends to get out in the fresh air, lose those extra pounds that many of us have gained over the past year, stretch our muscles and improve our mental wellbeing. Dr Chidi Ngwaba, a lifestyle physician and qualified doctor will be providing health tips to support you on your walking journey.

As an global humanitarian agency, ADRA has felt the impact of COVID-19 in its projects around the world. Most of ADRA-UK’s overseas projects are financially challenged by the onset of the novel coronavirus. Bert Smit, CEO, stated, "we have made commitments to complete these projects and to ease and eliminate the suffering of people in need. ‘We need your help to fulfil these commitments."

When you #walkforadra, track your miles. Also share your journey when you join our dedicated #walkforadra Facebook group. If you’re not a social media fan, you can also join through our website

iswhere you can register, log your miles, get your #walkforadra t-shirts etc, and most importantly donate.

Thank you for supporting our work of Justice, Love and Compassion. Get up and go #walkforadra