Aberdaron Work Retreat

British Union Conference

Aberdaron Work Retreat

Adam Ramdin, NEC Youth Department

We were blessed with good weather and along with willing spirits we managed to get a good amount of work done.

The Aberdaron Advent Campsite might have been closed to campers this past summer, but it did not stop a hardy group of willing volunteers arriving to help with renovations and rebuilding from 27 September to 4 October. We were blessed with good weather and along with willing spirits we managed to get a good amount of work done. The chalets were built about 20 years ago but have deteriorated over time, especially on the exterior. The current project should give them another 25-30 years of life and mean that any repairs are easier to do in the future.

The current chalets need recladding. This involves taking off the current exterior and then putting new insulation and cladding around the chalet along with new windows, doors and decking. The youth who joined us for the week have all been regulars at the youth camps over the last several years, with some having attended since they were young children. This level of ownership and commitment to the camp is what makes Aberdaron unique.

The youth were joined by some others whose commitment to the Aberdaron camps over the years remains a hallmark of many people who come to Aberdaron. There is something about the location and the site that engenders loyalty and a love for the peace and tranquillity that it provides.

We look forward to when the site will reopen in happier times to campers both young and old. For more information about booking the site please email enquiries@aberdaroncamp.com.