British Union Conference

A Mother's Love

A special programme dedicated to mothers took place at the Hackney Seventh-day Adventist church on Sabbath 6 April in recognition of mothers' day.

Sabbath School Superintendent, Maria Vinas, said, "A mother's love is nurturing and enables her children to grow. A mother's love is faithful ‒ she endures hardships and develops patience as she cares for her child. A mother's love is protective just as God protects His children. God covers us with His feathers as a hen does her chicks."

Members from both the Adult and Junior Sabbath School department then demonstrated how a mother's love can be sacrificial and can also involve taking risks in a play about the faith Jochebed placed in God when placing her baby son, Moses, in a basket upon the river Nile in order to ensure his safety from the pronouncement of death upon all young boys.

All mothers were asked to stand as they were honoured in song by Dorina Williams and Veronica Joseph with the words 'I heard my mother call my name in prayer'.

The Divine Service was then taken by the Music department. Led by Chris Brooks, the Music director said, "It's important to give God our praise because He's worthy and deserving of it. We often take life for granted. When God blesses us with life and good health, we are to praise Him at all times, considering how great He has been in our lives."

Before her introduction of the speaker, Janice Lendor gave a sobering thought for all to consider in relation to their spiritual connection with Christ. She said: "Judas and Saul (who later becomes Paul) both saw Jesus but only one of their lives were changed. Don't play hide and seek with God. Instead allow Him to touch you so your life can be changed for His glory."

In his message entitled, 'Sinners Anonymous', Assistant Youth Leader, Darryl Mathieu-Marius shared his testimony of how God reached him in pivotal moments of his life and in humbling him so that he could have a closer walk and relationship with Him.

In conclusion he said: "How can you hide from a presence that is everywhere? God is omnipresent. He wants to free us all from the burdens sin places on us. In spite of whom you are or what you've done, Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross in order to make your sin sick soul whole. God is our Abba Father and He is the only person we can ever and completely trust. God loves us and gave us all He could to redeem us." Elder Leroy Daley then prayed a blessing upon all mothers, recognising them as the both the bedrocks and pillars of society.