4000 Fed As Pathfinder Camporee Gets Underway

British Union Conference

4000 Fed As Pathfinder Camporee Gets Underway

Richard Daly - BUC Communication and Media director

With over 4000 involving Pathfinders, leaders and staff members the Trans-European Division (TED) Pathfinder Camporee finally got underway after several years of planning at the largest showground in the heart of the Sussex countryside in Ardingly. Although hosted within the British Union Conference (BUC) territory up to 30 countries were represented including visiting nations from outside of the TED region such as Russia, USA and New Zealand to name a few.

Held from 30 July to 6 August, the camporee will feature all the regular events and activities, including a community project, crafts, honour activities, sports, pioneering pole structures, a whole-camp activity for the day and joint evening worship services.

The opening ceremony on Tuesday evening, was a dazzling display incorporating drills, drum corps, a mime group, international flag parade, the playing of bagpipes and the official raising of the Pathfinder flag that ushered in the start of the weeklong camporee.

Evening worship services take place in a huge barn that is able to hold the entire contingent. The speaker Melissa Myklebust, a pastor in Norway and the Associate Youth director for the Norwegian Union uses her creativity through visual aids and enactments in delivering her messages. Taking the campers on a journey from creation through the Exodus, Melissa highlights a merciful God dealing with His beloved creation amidst the resulting effects of sin.

With half a week left to go, the pathfinders will earn several honours whilst being taught valuable life skills in a fun and engaging way.

To watch the rest of the proceedings on livestream see here.