18-24s SEC Summer Youth Camp 2022

British Union Conference

18-24s SEC Summer Youth Camp 2022

Jennie Hall

Youth enthusiastically gathered at Hays Wood Retreat Centre for the 18-24s summer camp this past week (22-26 August), many to experience the site for the first time. As there hadn't been a camp like this before we were all excited to be part of the experience organised by Pastor Anthony Fuller and area coordinator, Albert Gardiner.

Our main speakers for the week were Pastor Eddie Hypolite and Clarence Jackson, familiar to many for their youth work throughout the SEC and further afield. Pastor Eddie led the evening worships whilst Clarence led the morning messages. Stephen George hosted for the week and encouraged everyone to get to know each other with ice-breaker games.

Pastor Eddie highlighted how we need to make scripture personal by inserting our name into it. "What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for ME, who can be against ME?" Romans 8:31 (on to verse 39). He also said that it's in our 20s, the invincible years, out on your own – that we need to nail down what we want to do – who we want to be. We should always ask "who am I? how am I? how do I? and why?" in response to cultural identity and legacy. "There is a story in each one of us, written daily on the pages of our lives, in the ink of experience; each new day brings a new chapter, each turning point in our 24 hours, new sentences," Eddie Hypolite – Living From Here.

Clarence's first morning thought was that we are wired with great potential, but Satan is doing everything he can to trap us, mentally and spiritually. The world needs us at our best, but Satan needs us at our worst. We are called to great things. Another of his sessions highlighted how we are God's children, and He has a calling in mind for all of us (Jeremiah 29:11-13). "The worst movie you could ever see is one called 'What You Could Have Been' by Jesus Christ."

Tuesday's activities were all on-site and trainers were invited to lead out in sporting activities. The group was broken up into 4 teams whose goal was to gain points throughout the day and extra points were given for good sportsmanship and team playing. Two teams joined Des and Beth from Strong Soul Fitness who took them through a few boxing moves. This was a huge hit, and they were soon enthusiastically training one on one with Des as well as with one another in pairs. Meanwhile the other 2 teams competed in team games with Latoya and Steven leading out. These included noughts and crosses (2 teams running against each other to get 3 in a row), wriggling a hula-hoop through a chain of people amongst others.

After lunch the fun continued as the rounders bat and dodge balls came out. Des provided further boxing tuition for those that had the energy to continue!

In the evening everyone reflected on the day and how much they enjoyed the messages shared and the sporting events. Although it was only day one, we could feel and see how everyone had bonded in such a short time.

On Wednesday after the morning devotion everyone had free time until after lunch when we all piled on to the coach for a trip to Great Yarmouth. Once there we had an hour at the beach before heading to the amusement park known as the 'Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach'. There was something for everyone with the most daring going on the 'Pendulum', 'Sky-Drop' and the famous wooden roller coaster. Before we left to head back to the site, we saw a fireworks display on the beach.

On the third and final full day the group were joined by Andrew Fuller, Kristina Carridice and Rachel Burrell who, along with Clarence, shared their personal testimonies, including their trials and difficulties in and outside of the church. When asked, if you had only one thing to share what would it be? Kristina's response was "it's OK to not be OK – we have grace to not be OK. To work things out." Rachel's advice was to "build a tribe with people you don't have to hide from." Andrew commented that "the sooner you are honest with yourself the sooner you will see growth in your life." And Clarence said "don't rely on others to label you, get to know you for you and others will do the same."

The group then separated by gender into two groups to discuss sensitive topics such as sex, LGBTQ+, losing a child, saying no (protecting yourself), dress and jewellery. The open session gave everyone a chance to ask questions and share experiences. Anything from dating to marriage relations were discussed. This then led into 1 on 1 check in sessions and the specialised team gave their time to every attendee.

In the downtime, blank tote bags were available to personalise and design. This activity gave them time to reflect on their favourite Bible verse, quote or imagery whilst they decorated their tote bags.

One of the most valuable parts of the programme was the prayer room. The Upper Room was decorated with lights, candles and foliage for a calming atmosphere. On offer were verses from promise jars, prayer request box and prayer wall where people could put their prayer requests triggered by the reminder of the acronym PRAY – praise, repent, ask, yield. There was also a quiet space for people to pick up a devotional. Not only this but Clarence and Emma, both trained in mental health, counselling and mentoring manned the room every morning between 8-9 and they often had queues waiting to talk to them and to be prayed over. What a blessing their ministry was and continues to be.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the week and its activities. We could all feel that the group had bonded and formed relationships quickly. When it came to group activities, praise sessions and devotionals, everyone got involved and no one was left out or behind. All the staff commented how it was a pleasure serving these young people and they felt blessed by being involved in the programme.

Jennie Hall